Dear Luca,

I own a current G4 iBook, and the Mac mini is in principle an iBook in cubuoid form (but without display and keyboard). I don't know how demanding your pymol sessions are, but I'm quite happy with the MacPyMOL version on my iBook, which seems to be subjectively a little bit faster than the X11 version (via fink). Make sure that you have enough memory (at least 512 MB), otherwise this will be the bottleneck. Maybe, you find among your colleages somebody who owns an iBook and try your pymol tasks there?

Best regards,

Dirk Kostrewa.

Luca Fenu wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm thinking of buying a Mac mini to use as minimal computer for home, and will need it to run pymol smoothly. is this the case, or the little machine doesn't have enough juice to handle, let's say, visualisation of a protein active site and ligand docked into it, with different level of transparence and such? I need pymol essentially to look at my structure and generate pretty pictures for my phD thesis... many thanks to anyone can give insights...



Dirk Kostrewa
Paul Scherrer Institut
Life Sciences, OFLC/110
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Phone:  +41-56-310-4722
Fax:    +41-56-310-5288

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