
I'd like to know what charges Pymol uses when 
generates a pqr file from a pdb.

The follow-up would be is whether there was 
a way to change this, say if one wanted to
use charmm charges rather than amber.

It seems that APBS hates chain IDs. Is that
really so, or just my imagination?

Thanks for your help.

Fred Dyda, Ph.D.                       Phone:301-402-4496
Laboratory of Molecular Biology        Fax: 301-496-0201
HHS/NIH/NIDDK                          numerical page: 1-888-513-5421
Bldg. 5. Room 303                      e-mail: d...@helix.nih.gov
Bethesda, MD 20892-0560 URGENT message: 8885135...@archwireless.net

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