Hi Mike,
I use a nifty little script from Laurence Pearl/ Lieven Buts called
camera_view_travel, which creates smooth transitions between multiple
views of your molecule. I then call their script from my movie script.
Here is my movie.pml
and below that is camera_view_travel.py
I hope this works for you.
view1 = (\
-0.002949848, -0.698055983, -0.716037512,\
-0.740279794, -0.479865283, 0.470865071,\
-0.672290206, 0.531456172, -0.515342116,\
0.000092939, -0.000034094, -227.434707642,\
38.637485504, 38.187019348, 22.477689743,\
-460.678192139, 915.540405273, 0.000000000 )
view2 = (\
-0.150803298, -0.738771021, 0.656000018,\
0.031662170, -0.666754782, -0.744000018,\
0.987798572, -0.091690503, 0.125000000,\
0.000000000, -0.000000000, -48.466648102,\
99.343437195, 106.416229248, 49.609577179,\
43.268760681, 55.180572510, 0.000000000 )
view3 = (\
-0.651145101, -0.722359359, -0.231482551,\
0.758700788, -0.608253777, -0.234109432,\
0.028105801, -0.327993184, 0.943701327,\
-0.000000000, -0.000000000, -328.826995850,\
105.788002014, 119.598999023, 45.796001434,\
262.966003418, 413.899993896, 0.000000000 )
view4 = (\
0.567574024, -0.024119442, -0.822590053,\
0.327888340, -0.910298526, 0.253481865,\
-0.754531145, -0.413324833, -0.508710921,\
-0.034031108, 0.024049886, -295.808410645,\
103.350708008, 111.262390137, 42.889659882,\
230.753021240, 383.078033447, 0.000000000 )
cmd.mset("1 x525")
and here is camera_view_travel.py
# camera_travel - Laurence Pearl, November 2003
# Pythonized by Lieven Buts, November 2003
import cmd
from math import sqrt,acos,sin
def quaternion(view):
Returns a quaternion representation of a view matrix.
nxt = [1,2,0]
q = [0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]
tr = view[0]+view[4]+view[8]
if tr > 0.0 :
s = sqrt(tr + 1.0)
qw1 = s / 2.0
s = 0.5 / s
return ( (view[5] - view[7]) * s,
(view[6] - view[2]) * s,
(view[1] - view[3]) * s,
qw1 )
else :
i = 0
if (view[4] > view[0]): i = 1
if (view[8] > view[i+3*i]): i = 2
j = nxt[i]
k = nxt[j]
s = sqrt ((view[i+i*3] - (view[j+j*3] + view[k+k*3])) +
q[i] = s * 0.5
if (s != 0.0): s = 0.5 / s
q[3] = (view[k+3*j] - view[j+3*k]) * s
q[j] = (view[j+3*i] + view[i+3*j]) * s
q[k] = (view[k+3*i] + view[i+3*k]) * s
return q
def camera_travel(first,nframes=30,sel='(all)',zflag=0,zlevel=2):
Generate progressive view matrices to move the camera smoothly
from the current view to a view defined by a PyMol selection.
first - start frame
nframes - duration
sel - atom selection that defines the orientation at the
end of the
zflag - flag to indicate whether the final view should be 'zoomed'
or not
zlevel - buffer space for zooming final view (as in cmd.zoom)
print "camera_travel: first frame must be an integer"
return -1
print "camera_travel: number of frames"
old_view = cmd.get_view(2)
# print ( "view : (" + "%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f)" ) % (old_view)
# print "oldtran : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % (old_view[12],
old_view[13], old_view[14])
# do orient operation on selection
# if zoom to selection is required add this into view matrix
if zflag:
# get new view
new_view = cmd.get_view()
# capture new zoom/clip parameters
ozc1 = new_view[11]
ozc2 = new_view[15]
ozc3 = new_view[16]
# calculate shift in zoom/clip parameters
dzc1 = (ozc1 - old_view[11]) * ff
dzc2 = (ozc2 - old_view[15]) * ff
dzc3 = (ozc3 - old_view[16]) * ff
ozc1 = old_view[11]
ozc2 = old_view[15]
ozc3 = old_view[16]
# capture new translation vector component
ox = new_view[12]
oy = new_view[13]
oz = new_view[14]
# calculate shift vector
dx = ox - old_view[12]
dy = oy - old_view[13]
dz = oz - old_view[14]
dx = dx*ff
dy = dy*ff
dz = dz*ff
ox = old_view[12]
oy = old_view[13]
oz = old_view[14]
# capture old and new rotation matrix components in quaternion
# m[0][0] = v[0] m[0][1] = v[1] m[0][2] = v[2]
# m[1][0] = v[3] m[1][1] = v[4] m[1][2] = v[5]
# m[2][0] = v[6] m[2][1] = v[7] m[2][2] = v[8]
qx1,qy1,qz1,qw1 = quaternion(old_view)
qx2,qy2,qz2,qw2 = quaternion(new_view)
# calc cosine
cosom = qx1 * qx2 + qy1 * qy2 + qz1 * qz2 + qw1 * qw2
limit = 0.001
if cosom>1.0+limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (positive)"
elif cosom>1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom
if cosom<-1.0-limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (negative)"
elif cosom<-1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom
# adjust signs
if (cosom < 0.0):
cosom = -cosom
to0 = -qx2
to1 = -qy2
to2 = -qz2
to3 = -qw2
to0 = qx2
to1 = qy2
to2 = qz2
to3 = qw2
# calc coefficients
omega = acos(cosom)
sinom = sin(omega)
if sinom==0.0:
print "Warning: sinom corrected!"
# restore old view
cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, " * 17 + "%8.3f") % tuple(old_view) )
# loop interpolating over nframes generating interpolated
for a in range(nframes+1):
scale0 = sin((1.0 - float(a*ff)) * omega) / sinom
scale1 = sin(float(a*ff) * omega) / sinom
rx = scale0 * qx1 + scale1 * to0;
ry = scale0 * qy1 + scale1 * to1;
rz = scale0 * qz1 + scale1 * to2;
rw = scale0 * qw1 + scale1 * to3;
# convert back to matrix
x2 = rx + rx
y2 = ry + ry
z2 = rz + rz
xx = rx * x2
xy = rx * y2
xz = rx * z2
yy = ry * y2
yz = ry * z2
zz = rz * z2
wx = rw * x2
wy = rw * y2
wz = rw * z2
nv0 = 1.0 - (yy + zz)
nv3 = xy - wz
nv6 = xz + wy
nv1 = xy + wz
nv4 = 1.0 - (xx + zz)
nv7 = yz - wx
nv2 = xz - wy
nv5 = yz + wx
nv8 = 1.0 - (xx + yy)
# update translation vector
ox = ox + dx
oy = oy + dy
oz = oz + dz
# update zoom/clip parameters if required
if zflag:
ozc1 = ozc1 + dzc1
ozc2 = ozc2 + dzc2
ozc3 = ozc3 + dzc3
cmd.mdo("%d" % (first), ("set_view (" + "%8.3f, "*17 +
"%8.3f)") %
first += 1
cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f") %
def camera_view_travel(first,nframes=30,new_view=(\
0.000000000, 0.000000000,\
1.000000000, 0.000000000,\
0.000000000, 1.000000000,\
0.000000000, -50.000000000,\
0.000000000, 0.000000000,\
100.000000000, 0.000000000 )):
Generate progressive view matrices to move the camera smoothly
from the current view to a new view provided as an argument.
first - start frame
nframes - duration
new_view - PyMol view matrix that defines the view at the end
of the sequence
print "camera_travel: first frame must be an integer"
return -1
print "camera_travel: number of frames"
old_view = cmd.get_view(2)
# print ( "view : (" + "%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f)" ) % (old_view)
# print "oldtran : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % (old_view[12],
old_view[13], old_view[14])
# capture new zoom/clip parameters
ozc1 = new_view[11]
ozc2 = new_view[15]
ozc3 = new_view[16]
# calculate shift in zoom/clip parameters
dzc1 = (ozc1 - old_view[11]) * ff
dzc2 = (ozc2 - old_view[15]) * ff
dzc3 = (ozc3 - old_view[16]) * ff
ozc1 = old_view[11]
ozc2 = old_view[15]
ozc3 = old_view[16]
# capture new translation vector component
ox = new_view[12]
oy = new_view[13]
oz = new_view[14]
# calculate shift vector
dx = ox - old_view[12]
dy = oy - old_view[13]
dz = oz - old_view[14]
dx = dx*ff
dy = dy*ff
dz = dz*ff
ox = old_view[12]
oy = old_view[13]
oz = old_view[14]
# capture old and new rotation matrix components in quaternion
# m[0][0] = v[0] m[0][1] = v[1] m[0][2] = v[2]
# m[1][0] = v[3] m[1][1] = v[4] m[1][2] = v[5]
# m[2][0] = v[6] m[2][1] = v[7] m[2][2] = v[8]
qx1,qy1,qz1,qw1 = quaternion(old_view)
qx2,qy2,qz2,qw2 = quaternion(new_view)
# calc cosine
cosom = qx1 * qx2 + qy1 * qy2 + qz1 * qz2 + qw1 * qw2
limit = 0.001
if cosom>1.0+limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (positive)"
elif cosom>1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom
if cosom<-1.0-limit:
raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (negative)"
elif cosom<-1.0:
print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
cosom = 1.0
print cosom
# adjust signs
if (cosom < 0.0):
cosom = -cosom
to0 = -qx2
to1 = -qy2
to2 = -qz2
to3 = -qw2
to0 = qx2
to1 = qy2
to2 = qz2
to3 = qw2
# calc coefficients
omega = acos(cosom)
sinom = sin(omega)
if sinom==0.0:
print "Warning: sinom corrected!"
# restore old view
cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, " * 17 + "%8.3f") % tuple(old_view) )
# loop interpolating over nframes generating interpolated
for a in range(nframes+1):
scale0 = sin((1.0 - float(a*ff)) * omega) / sinom
scale1 = sin(float(a*ff) * omega) / sinom
rx = scale0 * qx1 + scale1 * to0;
ry = scale0 * qy1 + scale1 * to1;
rz = scale0 * qz1 + scale1 * to2;
rw = scale0 * qw1 + scale1 * to3;
# convert back to matrix
x2 = rx + rx
y2 = ry + ry
z2 = rz + rz
xx = rx * x2
xy = rx * y2
xz = rx * z2
yy = ry * y2
yz = ry * z2
zz = rz * z2
wx = rw * x2
wy = rw * y2
wz = rw * z2
nv0 = 1.0 - (yy + zz)
nv3 = xy - wz
nv6 = xz + wy
nv1 = xy + wz
nv4 = 1.0 - (xx + zz)
nv7 = yz - wx
nv2 = xz - wy
nv5 = yz + wx
nv8 = 1.0 - (xx + yy)
# update translation vector
ox = ox + dx
oy = oy + dy
oz = oz + dz
# update zoom/clip parameters
ozc1 = ozc1 + dzc1
ozc2 = ozc2 + dzc2
ozc3 = ozc3 + dzc3
cmd.mdo("%d" % (first), ("set_view (" + "%8.3f, "*17 +
"%8.3f)") %
first += 1
cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f") %
def fly_sequence(object,first,last):
Visit all residues in an object consecutively.
Requires 15 movie frames per residue.
object -
first -
last -
for ires in range(int(first),int(last)+1):
res = "(" + object + (" and resi %d" % (ires,)) + ")"
fr = fr + 15
# Install new PyMol commands
On Apr 13, 2005, at 11:37 PM, Mike Osborne wrote:
Hello again pymolers
I have a question about the view matrices. Basically I would like to
go from
one view to another view gradually in a movie.
Is there a way to calculate from the view matrices, how much I need to
around x,y, and Z and move in x, y and z?
I'm sure it can be done, but haven't figured it out.
Thanks in advance
Mike Osborne
Iric-Institut de Recherche en Immunovirologie et Cancérologie
Université de Montréal
2950 Chemin Polytechnique
Pavillon Marcelle-Coutu
Bureau S2-122
Montreal, Quebec, H3T 1J4
Ph: (514) 343 6111 ext. 0534 (NMR)/ 0595 (Office)
Fax: (514) 343 7379
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Scott Classen, Ph.D.
ACS Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley
237 Hildebrand Hall #3206
Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
LAB 510.643.9491
FAX 510.643.9290