The setting menu doesn't seem to save the changes we do in it.
So, I seek for the file where default color is coded, e.g. for cartoon, to
save my changes.
I use PyMOL 0.97 on Linux OS.
I found a way to resolve it in the old e-mails of the mailing list.
Create a $HOME/.pymolrc file with commands you want to execute, and
settings you want to change, at the startup of PyMOL.
E.g.: If you don't like the cartoon default color and want to change
default settings for it, from green to slate, you add the command line
to do this in $HOME/.pymolrc.
Here 'set cartoon_color, slate'
Windows users can do this with a pymolrc file.
Thanks to Kristian Rother for his 'Tips for PyMOL' at
Sebastien Moretti
31 chemin Joseph Aiguier
13402 Marseille cedex