To smooth your surface representation try:

set surface_quality, 1

or higher if you wish, though it will take longer and might look odd.

The easiest way to do the other things would be to create separate objects for 
each type of display. 
Example: Show solid surface over most of a protein, with a transparent window 
into the interior showing an underlying stick representation.

1) Load your protein
 - load P1.pdb
2) Select residues for window
 - use some method to select the residues you'd like to set transparent
 - rename the selection: A > rename selection; type: window
3) Make Sticks representation
 - duplicate the protein object using the Actions menu (button labeled 'A')
   A > duplicate object
 - rename this to p1_sticks
   A > rename object
   type: p1_sticks
 - show as sticks and color as you wish
4) Create Solid Surface representation
 - on command prompt type: create p1_surface, (P1 and not window)
 - show as surface; S > as > surface
5) Create Window representation
 - on command prompt type: create p1_window, (P1 and window)
 - show as surface; S > as > surface
 - on command prompt type: set transparency, 0.5, p1_window
6) Cleanup
 - hide original P1 object
 - hide window selection
 - color objects for nice contrast

Its not a perfect solution as the surface you get isn't continuous, but it 
demonstrates how to combine transparent/nontransparent elements of the same 
protein to make a figure.

Hope this helps,
-Tzintzuni Garcia

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Paula Salgado
Sent:   Wed 3/16/2005 9:35 AM
Subject:        [PyMOL] surfaces and transparency

I'm a new pymol user and have been trying to generate an image
of a solvent-accessible surface in pymol. How can I smooth the
surface representation? 

Another questions relates to transparency: is it possible to
have bits of a protein transparent and others coloured? If so,
how can you do it? and for 2 different proteins, can you  get
one transparent and not the other?

Thanks for your help!

Paula Salgado

Division of Structural Biology
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford
Roosevelt Drive

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