On 13 Feb 2005, at 03:39, Ben Allen wrote:
Hi all-
I'm preparing a figure that includes a piece of dna. I would like to
see a nicer cartoon representation of the dna backbone, i.e. a flat
ribbon like what is used for the helices and strands of a protein.
anyone know if there is a way to do this currently? Thanks!
Hi Ben,
nuccyl will help you to render nucleic acids with PyMOL, and, by
choosing a cartoon style and playing with the cartoon_* variables, you
should be able to tweak the backbone strand representation to whatever
you have in mind:
To see the available cartoon styles type "help cartoon" within PyMOL,
and to display all possible settings type "set cartoon_" and press the
tab key.
Good luck!
Luca Jovine, Ph.D.
Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Annenberg Building, Room 25-18
1 Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029-6574, USA
Voice: +1.212.241-8620 FAX: +1.212.860-9279
E-Mail: lucajov...@mac.com - luca.jov...@mssm.edu
W3: http://www.mssm.edu/students/jovinl02