Hi Jamie,
I've attached an email from a response to a similar question posted awhile ago. I hope it is helpful.

On Oct 18, 2004, at 8:07 AM, jwal...@csb.wfu.edu wrote:


I am trying to add labels to my figures to get them ready for publication. I have figures in both stereo and mono, and I'm trying to figure out how to move/orient labels so that they are easy to view. Are there ways to move labels in a figure?


Jamie Wallen

 > Hello Camille,
 > I will tell you how I make absolutely beautiful stereo figures in
 > PyMOL (with Adobe illustrator too) with nicely depth cued labels. It
 > takes a little more than clicking a single button, but it works well.
 > create two PyMOL scripts of your view that are identical with all the
 > beautiful ray tracing etc. then add:
 > turn y, -3     to the first script
 > and
 > turn y, 3     to the second one
> make sure the png files exported from each script have different names
 > (i.e. Left and Right)
> If you are working interactively with PyMOL then just remember to turn
 > y, 6 and then re-ray trace and export a second PNG.
 > Now use a program like Illustrator or Canvas to add the stereo/depth
 > cued labels. This is a little tricky to describe, but I"ll give it my
 > best shot. Place the two images side by side with their centers
 > separated by 6.0 - 6.5 cm, and aligned horizontally. Now add all your
 > labels on the LEFT figure. select all of your labels and duplicate
 > them. Move the duplicated labels to the RIGHT side. For clarity sake
 > let"s assume we have 3 labels on the LEFT side (a,b, and c -- we will
 > call then aL and aR for the left and right labels, respectively).
 > Place aL near a recognizable feature of the LEFT figure that you are
> trying to label. Now horizontilly align aR with aL. Now using only the
 > <-- and --> keys move the aR label until the identical portion of the
 > actual label (let"s say the lower right hand tip of the "a") is
> vertically aligned with the identical portion of your model (let"s say
 > where the C alpha-C beta bond leaves the ribbon backbone) on both the
 > LEFT and RIGHT images. Repeat these steps for each pair of labels.
 > This is a nice method for adding stereo labels because it does not
 > require looking at your computer screen in wall-eyed stereo for 2
 > hours in order to get proper placement of labels.
 > By assuring that the labels are positioned in the LEFT and RIGHT
> images at positions that are identical with respect to the part of the > model that is being labeled you automatically are also placing them so
 > they are at the proper depth when the figure is finally viewed in
 > stereo.
 > I hope this makes sense. Just email if you want more details.
 > Scott
 > On Friday, April 4, 2003, at 05:56  AM, <cami...@mr...>
 > wrote:
 >> Hello fellow Pymol users!
>> it sounds like I have the same objective as N. Sanishvili (25th Feb
 >> 2003) anyone told Nukri how you can ray-trace a stereo figure yet? I
 >> couldn"t find a reply to the original question on stereo figs on the
 >> BB. I am also trying to label specific residues in my stereo figure.
 >> Older messages on the BB seem to imply this can"t be done in pymol.
 >> Do you know if any progress has been made on this?
 >> Many thanks,
 >>     Camille
 >> p.s. I"m running npymol on OS X.
 > ==============================================
 >   Scott Classen, Ph.D.
 >   University of California, Berkeley
 >   Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
 >   237 Hildebrand Hall #3206
 >   Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
 >   LAB 510.643.9491
 >   FAX 510.643.9290
 > ==============================================

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