Hi, > AFAIK, Debian's glibc uses tls/nptl only on Linux-2.6, not on Linux-2.4. > So using a 2.6 kernel should be fine. However, I do not have Nvidia > hardware to test this.
Yes, I'm using the Nvidia driver 1.0-6111 on a Debain Sarge with the 2.6.7 kernel without any problems. Best regards, Dirk. -- **************************************** Dirk Kostrewa Paul Scherrer Institut Life Sciences, OFLC/110 CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Phone: +41-56-310-4722 Fax: +41-56-310-5288 E-mail: dirk.kostr...@psi.ch http://sb.web.psi.ch ****************************************