Dear Pymollers,

I am having a very strange set of results with carving an electron density map around a protein or ligand in Pymol. First, let me say that I have done this before (and can still do this) with a different protein and map and it worked fine!

Generally I do the following:

load protein.pdb, main
load  fofc.xplor
select ligand, B/1001/
show sticks, ligand
isomesh msh1, fofc, 2.0, ligand, carve=2.0
color cyan, msh1

In the past I did this just fine, and I can still get the old map to carve around virtually any PDB file if I set the radius wide enough, so the PDB file is NOT the source of the problem, nor is Pymol (I am using MacPymol). So in the latest set of structures I am working on have density maps generated in .ccp4 format (from ccp4) or .xplor format (ported through Mapman and exported in .xplor format). The results are as follows: The maps load just fine if I use only the following part of the isomesh command:
isomesh msh1, fofc, 2.0
The density shows up to whatever sigma I set and the size of the map is whatever came out of ccp4. The problem comes with the carve command. If I add any carve command ALL of the density disappears. It doesn't make any difference what carve radius you use or sigma value for the map. It also doesn't make any difference if you use ccp4 or xplor format map files.

Yet the real kicker is that I have the old .xplor maps that still work fine and can be carved to any part of a coordinate file that I want. I have opened the old and new maps and compared them side-by-side and they look superficially identical in format (same type of header info and 7 columns of numeric data). When they load into Pymol they both yield the same type of info through the text window:

The one that works says:
PyMOL>load omit.xplor
 Crystal: Unit Cell           50.687   53.878   56.234
 Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma    89.489   63.605   62.610
 Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix
 Crystal:    0.0197   -0.0102   -0.0127
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0209    0.0053
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000    0.0205
 Crystal: FracToReal Matrix
 Crystal:   50.6870   24.7863   24.9992
 Crystal:    0.0000   47.8380  -12.3880
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000   48.8246
 Crystal: Unit Cell Volume   118388.
 Executive: object "omit" created.

the one that does not work says:
PyMOL>load fofc.xplor
 Crystal: Unit Cell           55.288   72.164  129.571
 Crystal: Alpha Beta Gamma    90.000   90.000   90.000
 Crystal: RealToFrac Matrix
 Crystal:    0.0181   -0.0000   -0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0139   -0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000    0.0077
 Crystal: FracToReal Matrix
 Crystal:   55.2880    0.0000    0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000   72.1640    0.0000
 Crystal:    0.0000    0.0000  129.5710
 Crystal: Unit Cell Volume   516963.
 Executive: object "fofc" created.

It doesn't make any difference if it is a fo-fc, 2fo-fc, or any other variation on a map type. The new maps don't seem to carve (or they carve too much because ALL the density disappears!!).

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!



Dr. Kelley Moremen
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (Room 3055)
and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
315 Riverbend Road
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7229
Office (706) 542-1705    Fax: (706) 542-1759
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