I want to try to visualize a retro-enantio Conotoxin peptide (reverse
sequence, all D-amino acids, sculpting) and visually compare surface
charge to its normal L-amino acid counterpart using Pymol. I use Pymol
0.93 (fink compiled) on a Powerbook G4/667 with three-button mouse.
Mutating residues using the mutation wizard works fine, but I get an
error upon L->D conversion. Using the mouse, I understand from the
reference manual the following procedure:
The invert function is usually bound to CTRL−E in editing mode.
The default selections are (lb) and (rb), meaning that you can pick
the atom to invert with CTRL−middle click and then pick the
stationary atoms with CTRL−SHIFT/left−click and CTRL−SHIFT/right−
click, then hit CTRL−E to invert the atom.
After correctly following this mouse-procedure selecting c-alpha and
nitrogen, an error-message says: invert error: couldn't find basis for
inversion. The same applies when trying via command line (example for
residue one):
PyMOL> edit 1/ca
PyMOL> invert 1/n, 1/ca
invert error: couldn't find basis for inversion
What am I doing wrong ?
Kind regards
Uwe Hobohm
Heinz-Uwe Hobohm