Dear PyMOL user,

A new release of nuccyl - a program that allows PyMOL to display nucleic acids in ribbon + cylinder representation - is available.
Version 1.4 adds the following features:

- automatic recognition of unpaired nucleotides
- support for atom numbers up to 99999 and nucleotide numbers up to 9999
- easier output assessment (warnings and automatic problem fixes are now printed to a separate log file)

You can download the new version as well as browse the updated documentation here:

As usual, comments, suggestions and criticisms are highly welcome.

With best regards,


Luca Jovine, Ph.D.
Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Annenberg Building, Room 25-18
One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029-6574, USA
Voice: +1.212.241-8620  FAX: +1.509.356-2832
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