Master Users, I'm a bit new to PyMol and still trying to master selections. I've read the documentation and played with quite a few macromolecules now and still have some problems with selections.
For example, I found a PDB online called 'pope.pdb' (a cool lipid bilayer; and simply wanted to select all the hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads so that I may apply different attributes to each. If I need to select the tails, which in the PDB are labeled from C10 (or so) to C50 depending on the molecule, can I use something like c10-c50 (experience tells me no) or must I do c10+c11+c12...c50? So, it comes down to: do you prefer the macro method or standard; and, do you have any hints or tips for more accurate or powerful selections? As an example, how could I select just the tails or just the heads in the aforementioned pope.pdb file? Thanks. -- Jason Vertrees BSCB Graduate Student @ UTMB, Galveston ::