Ken's answer covers it...the following just provide a little more in-depth

What has happened is that PyMOL now supports the picking of multiple atoms,
so use of the lb and rb selections is less necessary.  Picking and selecting
are not the same thing in PyMOL.  Selections are merely lists of atoms.
Picked atoms utilize chemical and topological properties to provide you with
a much richer set of options, including a family of automatically generated
selections (such as pkresi).

CTRL-middle-click has always been the "picking" action, and it still works
to pick one or more atoms (first pk1, then pk2, pk3, and pk4).  

This can get confusing -- especially for new users.  So, in the default
viewing mode, ctrl-right-click can always be used to clear the current pick
set and pick a new single atom. (In Editing mode, ctrl-right-click still
picks and rotates bonds, as before).

I believe that all of the PyMOL actions which used to require the lb and rb
selections now use pk1 and pk2 instead.  This probably impacts measuring of
distances most significantly:

The quickest way to measure distances in PyMOL 0.95 and beyond is this:  

   In Viewing Mode:

      ctrl-right-click on the first atom
      ctrl-middle-click on the second atom
      type ctrl-X  -or- use the "dist" command (with optional name)

   Anywhere else:

      first, make sure no atoms are picked (click or type unpick)
      ctrl-middle-click on the first atom
      ctrl-middle-click on the second atom
      type ctrl-X  -or- use the "dist" command (with optional name)

As you're discovered, double-right-click works just like ctrl-middle-click.
This makes it easier to perform certain actions without constantly have to
invoke the ctrl key.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Carina Lobley
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 12:51 AM
> To: Eksterowicz, John
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [PyMOL] picking atoms with latest version (0.95)
> Hi,
> I had that problem this weekend too. I've found that ctrl 
> right click picks one atom and shift right double click picks 
> a second atom. That seems to work for the 'dist' and 'bond' 
> commands anyway!
> Regards,
> Carina
> On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Eksterowicz, John wrote:
> >
> > I am using the latest version of Pymol and I cannot figure 
> out how to 
> > pick more than one atom.
> >
> > In the past, ctrl-shft lb, picked the first atom, and ctrl-shft rb 
> > would pick a second atom.  But now, ctrl-shft rb brings up 
> a pop-up menu.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> > John Eksterowicz
> > Celera Genomics
> >
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