; ) -----Original Message----- From: owner-ccp...@dl.ac.uk [mailto:owner-ccp...@dl.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Perl Mol Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:16 PM To: ccp...@dl.ac.uk Subject: [ccp4bb]: Announcing PerlMol
*** For details on how to be removed from this list visit the *** *** CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk *** Announcing PerlMol! PerlMol, written in 100% pure Perl, is a drop-in replacement for all of your structure solution/modeling/dynamics/presentation needs. Based on an open-source core, PerlMol is completely scriptable in the official "Greatest Programming Language in the World": Perl. Take a look at these features: FLEXIBLE! Because PerlMol is written entirely in Perl, it is easy to use and automate. Just look at this simple script written exclusively in the Perl language: @P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nrekcah xinU / lreP rehtona tsuJ";sub p{ @p{"r$p","u$p"}=(P,P);pipe"r$p","u$p";++$p;($q*=2)+=$f=!fork;map{$P=$P[$f^or d ($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&& close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print Imagine harnessing the flexibility of this awesome language for your structure solving needs, generating reusable and extensible code that you can share with your colleagues. Because of its Perl guts, the PerlMol motto is "There's More Than One Way To Solve Your Structure." TEXTUAL! Because Perl is the language of PerlMol, PerlMol output is purely text based. For example, check out this representation of the amino acid alanine (generated straight from a PDB file): O(-) (+)H | HN-C-C=O H \ HCH H It even got the charges right and correctly calculated the positions of the hydrogens! No longer do you have to wait for memory wasting bitmaps to load onto your computer screen or worry about your attachments getting bounced because they overfill your colleagues' mail boxes. These platform independent textual representations can load onto any computer with just about any email client you can find and they don't take much space at all! FAST! PerlMol is fast because it uses the patented "Mobius Looping Architecture" developed through a major collaborative effort during the early 1960's at Xerox PARC and Los Alamos National Laboratories. Check out these comparisons: 25K K Simulated 150 Cycles CGE Rotational Translational Anneeling Minimization MR Search Search PerlMol < 1 s < 1 s < 1 s < 1 s CNS 240 min 384 s 431 min 35 min CCP4 281 min 460 s 396 min 41 min POWERFUL! Tired of poor diffraction slowing your important scientific research? PerlMol's automated solution process uses new "Bayesian Spaghetti Threading" (BST) to solve structures faster than ever before possible with a minimum of diffraction quality. In a recent demonstration, PerlMol solved the structure of human telomerase to 1.8 Angstroms using just three reflections! Moreover, it did this over only 122 CPU cycles, taking a fraction of a microsecond (1.4 GHz dual Opteron running Windows 98). VERSATILE! Its no secret that Perl has the most powerful regular expression engine in existence. Look how easy it is to make a poly-ala search model for molecular replacement: "s/./A/g". Plug that baby into the PerlMol molecular replacement engine! Tired of living in the RNA world? Working with DNA was never so easy. Just replace those silly U's: "s/U/T/g". No problem. But PerlMol doesn't stop at mere mutagenesis. Regular expressions were created to search for complex sequences of characters in mass amounts of data. Harnessing the power of regular expressions, PerlMol will eventually replace BLAST as the de facto standard in sequence mining. FREE! Because its open source, PerlMol is absolutely free except for a nominal yearly licensing "contribution". You can download PerlMol at www.perlmol.com/downloads/ after you complete the appropriate forms at www.perlmol.com/license/ and send three copies of your passport to the address at www.perlmol.com/contact-info/ (please include a valid credit card number, present address, personal photo, and mother's maiden name to avoid unnecessary delays in processing your license request). DEMO! Want to get an idea of PerlMol's powerful scripting features? Great, because Perl is distributed with nearly every modern operating system. Just open a terminal and start typing your commands into a new perl script file. No need to download anything. Use "man perl" for more info. TESTIMONIALS! Geraldo "8-trac" Keldwet at the famous Ugala Software Foundry (USF) in Ugala, Switzerland says this: "im compelled to admit that perlmol has opened my eyes to the power of perl. from now on, your going to see [usf software] written entirely in this amazing language." Even vocal Python advocate Wally Delgado agrees: "PerlMol will revolutionize structural biology as we know it." Get PerlMol Now! -TMTOWTSYS _________________________________________________________________ MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page - FREE download! http://toolbar.msn.com/go/onm00200413ave/direct/01/