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From: Scott Classen <>
Date: March 10, 2004 4:20:53 PM PST
To: Warren DeLano <>
Subject: Is exporting CGOs vertices possible?

Hello Fellow PyMOLers,
I am interested in using another program (Blender) to do some more complicated animations/rendering of molecules. Unfortunately Blender does not import very many types of files. I have been able to use Gerard Kleywegts MOLEMAN2 to convert my PDB to a VRML1 file and import that into Blender, but this is very limited in its abilities.

I would love to be able to get the beautiful cartoons, ribbons, sticks, and other shapes from PyMOL and then import them into Blender. Is there a way to get a file from PyMOL that contains all the vertices that construct objects. i.e the vertices that describe a ribbon representation of my protein.

I understand that PyMOL generates CGOs that it feeds to the internal ray-tracer. Can PyMOL write out these vertices to a file instead? I would then have to write a python script or something that would parse the PyMOL vertices into a file that is importable into Blender (that's a whole other can of worms).



Hello PyMOLers,
I also think it is important to know which vertices are connected to each other in order to form the proper faces. I'm looking into the Blender API a bit more and it looks like it needs the vertex x,y,z coordinates and the "face data" in order to connect the vertices in a meaningful way. These are the two entries I think are important.

Vert(x=0,  y=0,  z=0)
 Get a new vertex object.
x -  The x coordinate of the vertex.
y -  The y coordinate of the vertex.
z -  The z coordinate of the vertex.
 A new NMVert object.

 Get a new face object.
vertexList -  A list of up to 4 NMVerts (mesh vertex objects).
 A new NMFace object.

I think it would be sufficient to have a txt file that looks like this with the vertex coord followed by a list of the vertices that make up relevent faces.


  Scott Classen, Ph.D.
  ACS Postdoctoral Fellow
  Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
  University of California, Berkeley
  237 Hildebrand Hall #3206
  Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
  LAB 510.643.9491
  FAX 510.643.9290

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