
Welcome to PyMOL!

> I wish to do the equivalent to the following molscript 
> command "line position res-atom A97 OE1 to position res-atom M200 MN;"

   dist my_line, a/97/OE1, M/200/MN
   hide labels

Also note that PyMOL can draw hydrogen-bonds automatically using its limited
chemical intuition according to the global "h_bond_..." settings. (Sorry
guys, that isn't documented -- I am thinking about creating a new command
for it since "dist" isn't the right place for this).

   dist hbnd, all, all, mode=2
   hide labels

(But I don't think that will help with MN.)

If you don't want dashes, then

   set dash_length, 3
   set dash_gap, 0

Seems to work for me...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> John Berrisford
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] drawing hydrogen bonds or dashes
> I have searched the manual and forum and cannot find how to 
> draw a hydrogen bond between two specific atoms. 
> I wish to do the equivalent to the following molscript 
> command "line position res-atom A97 OE1 to position res-atom M200 MN;"
> which draws a line between two atoms A97 OE1 and Mn200. So 
> not a hydrogen bond but a specific line.
> Is this possible in pymol?
> I have read posts on changing the thickness of a dash and the 
> number of dashes in a line. But none on how to draw the line.
> Can anyone help me, i'm a new user by the way!
> thanks
> John
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