Hi Michele:

You don't have glut on OS X unless you installed it, for example, with fink. Looking at the fink pymol package (0.86) you will
need to have installed these dependencies:

Depends: libpng3-shlibs, numeric, tcltk, pmw (>= 0.8.5-2), python (>= 2.2.1-8), glut-shlibs (>= 3.7-3) BuildDepends: libpng3, glut (>= 3.7-3), db3 (>= 3.3.11-23), readline (>= 4.3-15), gdbm, gmp (>= 4.1.2-11), expat, tcltk-dev, dlcompat-dev

I have all of those and I still can't get 0.93 to compile. I am hoping the fink package will come out sometime soon. Meanwhile the native OS X pymol is really nice. It is well worth supporting I think...

Fink seems really behind now in all things python. All of 2.3 is in the "unstable" tree, which seems odd to me given that 2.3 has been around for a year and is now part of OS X, albeit in the usual lobotomized form. I've used fink to compile python 2.3, numeric, scientific, scipy, etc., and they all seem to work fine.

I'll try to hack on it a bit more, but it might be worth dropping Matt Stephenson a line.

Bill Scott

Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 15:39:52 -0500
To: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net
From: Michele Fuortes <mfuor...@med.cornell.edu>
Subject: [PyMOL] Re: PyMOL 0.93 and MacOS X

Hi everybody,

I know I'm an idiot, but I cannot build pymol 0.93 on Mac OS 10.3 to save
my life.
After getting and resolving a lot of gl.h and glut.h complaints now I'm
stuck with:

building 'pymol._cmd' extension
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lpng -o
ld: can't locate file for: -lglut

Any kind soul there willing to help me?




Michele Fuortes, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Departments of Surgery and of Cell and Developmental Biology
Cornell University  - Weill Medical College
E-mail: mfuor...@removethismed.cornell.edu


PyMOL-users mailing list

End of PyMOL-users Digest

William G. Scott

Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
Sinsheimer Laboratories
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California 95064

phone:  +1-831-459-5367 (office)
               +1-831-459-5292 (lab)
fax:         +1-831-4593139  (fax)
url:          http://chemistry.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/

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