Hi Mark,
(1) Does anyone know how to adjust the radius of the cartoon loops?
set cartoon_loop_radius = <value>
(2) Is there a comprehensive list of these variable somewhere on-line
in the program files that I can access? I can't find these kind of
details in the on-line manual/reference and I feel stupid asking this
of basic question to everyone.
You can define a new function "setting_list" in a .py file (for example
def setting_list():
list = setting.get_name_list()
for name in list:
print "%s => %s" % (name, setting.get_setting_text(name))
then simply type the following from within PyMOL:
PyMOL> run setting_list.py
PyMOL> setting_list
Hope this helps - Luca
Luca Jovine, Ph.D.
Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Annenberg Building, Room 25-18
One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029-6574, USA
Voice: +1.212.241-8620 FAX: +1.509.356-2832
E-Mail: lucajov...@mac.com - luca.jov...@mssm.edu
W3: http://www.mssm.edu/students/jovinl02