
I posted some instructions onto the list a while back, but it's pretty

# load the PHI map and model

load phimap.phi
load prot.pdb

# show a surface

show surface, prot

# create a color ramp based on the potential

ramp_new ramp, phimap

# now apply that color_ramp to the protein surface

set surface_color, ramp, prot

Now you can ctrl-middle click and drag on the ramp to change the range.

You can also specify the red,white, & blue points precisely:

ramp_new ramp, phimap, [-10.0, 0.0, 10.0]


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

> Warren,
>    Thanks for the information. Oh, one other thing. We are 
> trying to use the new .phi map support in the MacOS X G4 
> demo version of pymol and it isn't obvious at all how this 
> should be done. Are there any instructions or tutorial files 
> on how to display electrostatic surfaces generated by GRASP in pymol?
>                   Jack

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