Dear PyMOL-ers, I have made a couple of PyMOL resources available on my website which may be of interest:
1. A tutorial, aimed at beginner to intermediate users (I wrote it to advertise PyMOL to my research group). This is browsable on the web, or downloadable as a PDF file. You can also download an archive (tar-gzip for Unix, or zipped for Windows) which contains some example scripts and the data files they require. 2. (Unix users only) A shell script which generates an MPEG movie, given a set of PyMOL-generated frames (i.e. PNG files). The MPEG is built using the Berkeley MPEG encoder. You can find both of them at Gareth -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gareth Stockwell EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton Cambridge CB10 1SD Tel 01223 492548