On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 01:32 PM, RichGB wrote:

I'd like to experiment with the rTools 0.5.2 package with PyMol0.88 (MacOSX 10.2.6 using the PyMol binary from the sourceforge site). But the installation 'hints' don't appear to describe a functional method of getting rTools to work with PyMol on this platform. Does anyone have this
working so they could provide some directions?

Hello Richard,

Just after 0.88 was released I installed the rTools package under OSX (10.2.6), and it seems to work just fine. Here is a log of what I did (you'll obviously need to modify the file paths depending on where you unpack the rTools distribution etc.):

OSX> cd /sw/lib/pymol/modules/pmg_tk/startup
OSX> sudo cp /Users/luca/applications/PyMOL/Extensions/rtools/rTools0.5.2/rubor.py .
OSX> sudo mkdir rubor
OSX> cd rubor
OSX> sudo mkdir scripts
OSX> sudo cp /Users/luca/applications/PyMOL/Extensions/rtools/rTools0.5.2/rubor/* . OSX> sudo cp /Users/luca/applications/PyMOL/Extensions/rtools/rTools0.5.2/rubor/ scripts/* scripts/
OSX> sudo mkdir /pdb
OSX> sudo chmod 775 /pdb

To test, start xpymol (i.e. the Fink version of the program), and issue this command:

PyMOL>pdb 1cse

the above should fetch the PDB file for entry 1CSE and put it in /pdb/cs/

OSX> cd /sw/lib/pymol/modules/pmg_tk/startup/rubor/scripts
OSX> sudo cp /pdb/cs/pdb1cse.ent ./1cse.ent
OSX> sudo chmod 644 1cse.ent

and finally edit the single line of file 1cse.pml as follows:

OSX> sudo vi 1cse.pml

        load /sw/lib/pymol/modules/pmg_tk/startup/rubor/scripts/1cse.ent

now you can automatically load entry 1CSE from ScriptBox within rTools.

Hope this helps!

Good luck, Luca

Luca Jovine, Ph.D.
Brookdale Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Annenberg Building, Room 25-18
One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029-6574, USA
Voice: +1.212.241-8620  FAX: +1.509.356-2832
E-Mail: lucajov...@mac.com - luca.jov...@mssm.edu
W3: http://www.mssm.edu/students/jovinl02

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