On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 02:44  AM, JP Cartailler wrote:


Will Pymol soon have alpha channel support?  Related to this, it would
also be useful to be able to render the Z-layer (Depth) as well.

How about additional surfacing features, like surface curvature and
color-by-distance-from-atom-X... just my wish-list :)

Yes, I agree. I would also like to see the ability to calculate a distance-distance matrix between two surfaces in order to visualize protein protein interfaces better.

Wouldn't it be nice to have all the functionality of GRASP built into PyMOL so that we can throw those pesky SGIs away?


  Scott Classen, Ph.D.
  University of California, Berkeley
  Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
  237 Hildebrand Hall #3206
  Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
  LAB 510.643.9491
  FAX 510.643.9290

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