On Sunday, Apr 20, 2003, at 03:59 Australia/Sydney, Terry M. Gray wrote:
In trying to install pymol 0.86-4 (I already have 0.86-1 installed), I
was getting this this error:
[chem05:~] grayt% fink install pymol
sudo /sw/bin/fink install pymol
Information about 2374 packages read in 3 seconds.
Failed: Can't resolve dependency "python (= 2.2.2-4) | python-nox (=
2.2.2-3)" for package "pymol-0.86-4" (no matching packages/versions
This was after I performed the steps given by Matt Stephenson in his
email to the pymol list on 2003-03-18 13:02.
I'm not a fink guru but it seems that pymol is looking for python
2.2.2-4 and can't find it since the version installed by fink is
2.2.2-6 (if you install python-2.2.2) or 2.3 something (if you install
There has being a issue with python-2.3/python-2.2 and python modules
in fink's unstable tree for the last 2-3 months. This has being fixed
and you have just being caught in the 5-6 day time lag it took me to
update the pymol package to reflect these new changes (was on
holidays). If you run 'fink selfupdate-cvs' you will get a new revision
of the pymol package which will work fine for you.
So, I edited the pymol-0.86-4.info file and changed the dependency on
python to = 2.2.2-5 and it seems to have compiled. I haven't tested
all the features yet, but everything I check so far works. I'm sure
this will wreck something unless the package maintainer just hasn't
tested it thoroughly yet.
I recommend not editing your package files as this can break your
selfupdating, so before running 'fink selfupdate-cvs' delete the
One thing that motivated me to try to update was the fact that I can't
get surfaces or meshes to work right on my OS X machine (10.2.5,
Apple's X11 beta 3) even with this newest pymol. After further trial
and error it appears that surfaces work on proteins only when I use
1024 x 768 display resolution (not the wider 1152 x 768 that I
normally use on my TiBook). Is this a known issue? Also, should I be
able to create surfaces for non-protein atoms?
Just so people know there is no difference in pymol itself between
pymol-0.86-1 and pymol-0.86-5, the revision numbers are to deal with
fink internals such as dependency issues.
Also a note for the list, if your installing pymol via fink there is no
need to enable the unstable tree pymol installs fine from stable, also
haven't tried this yet but you should also now be able to do a full
binary install of pymol through fink 'sudo apt-get install pymol'.