Hi all

I am trying to assign secondary structure for a pdb file and get the
following error:

 util.ss: WARNING: This is not a "correct" secondary structure
 util.ss: assignment algorithm!  Please use only as a last resort.
 util.ss: initiating secondary structure assignment on 224 residues.
 util.ss: extracting sequence and relationships...
 util.ss: analyzing phi/psi angles (slow)...
 util.ss: finding hydrogen bonds...
 util.ss: verifying beta sheets...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\parser.py",
line 136, in parse
  File "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL/modules\pymol\util.py",
line 492, in ss
    o_a1_atom = o_dict[scr_a1]
KeyError: ('', 'H', '224')

Here is the end of the pdb file. I do not quite understand the erro message.
Thank you!

ATOM   2125  N   SER H 224     -11.523  14.126  16.464
ATOM   2126  H   SER H 224     -11.375  13.495  17.279
ATOM   2127  CA  SER H 224     -12.514  15.202  16.513
ATOM   2128  CB  SER H 224     -13.644  14.934  15.514
ATOM   2129  OG  SER H 224     -14.661  15.936  15.550
ATOM   2130  HG  SER H 224     -15.320  15.718  14.908
ATOM   2131  C   SER H 224     -13.116  15.379  17.909
ATOM   2132  OT1 SER H 224     -13.164  14.414  18.684


Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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