Dear Pymolers:

I am sure that this has been beaten to death on this email list but I am
having a heck of a time trying to figure out the following:

I am trying to make simple animations with movement, rotation, zoom and
other simple transitions in Pymol.  I have a basic understanding of the
simple movement commands as follows:

mset 1 x100
movie.roll(20, 50,axis="x")
mdo 51: move x,10
mdo 54: turn x, 5; turn y,5

The problem comes when I want to make defined rolls, zooms, or moves that
start and stop at specific places.  There must be a better way than
concatenating a collection of "move x,10" commands.  I have seen in several
scripts containing the following syntax:

for a in range(702,802):
   cmd.mdo(a,"translate [0.40,-0.5,0],object=lambda2")

Could somebody please explain what this syntax means and how to employ it
(in detail and in simple terms, if possible, for the many of us out there
who don't quite grasp all of the nuances of Pymol and Pythol command

When I try to incorporate a similar usage as follows:
for a in range(55,70):
   cmd.mdo(a,"move x,10,object=proteinA")

I get an error message that says:
     for a in range(55,70):
   cmd.mdo(a,"move x,10,object=proteinA")
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I have tried MANY variations on this theme and seem to be stumbling around
in the dark.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Dr. Kelley Moremen 
Associate Professor
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7229

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