when I said "big" I meant using the pymol command "ray" with arguments
specifying the width and heigth:

     ray 3000,3000

this works on all platforms/OSes


> Are we talking Windows here?  What would be a good way to enhance this
> resolution within linux?  How does one make a "big" png?  Is it a
> command-line option, or you just make the window the size of the screen?
> Make sure you create images which are "big" enough for the size of the
> print you want to make, e.g. images 3000x3000 print really well on an
> area of about 5in x 5in (600 dpi printing resolution).
> Also, you should use some application in which you can properly resize
> the image to print the apropriate size on paper. I've used adobe
> photoshop and it does a terrific job.

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