I have made a pymol movie script that I think is quite something, and may be of use to others trying to setup movies. The movie shows the dimer of a carbohydrate binding protein - galectin-1. I want to know where someone could 'host' the movie script so that it would be easily accessible (PyMol page itself would be most logical!) It is commented and uses general terms (i.e. 'ligand' for the bound sugar), so it should be useful to others.
I haven't even really begun with this movie, I'm eventually going to show hydrogen bonds, ring stacking interactions and make a movie of my AMBER trajectories. I will keep working and post new versions as I make them. The mappend command is used extensively as is Krisitan's movie script. I also want to thank to K. Rother and Warren for all of their help, as well as all the others who answered my postings to the mailing list. IMHO - the movie is quite amazing! Don't try to run it on a slow machine!