
* Daniel John Rigden <dan...@cenargen.embrapa.br> [2003-02-05 09:23] wrote:
> I'm trying to make a figure of a superposition of various loops, each with
> a different colour.  I need a slim trace of the loops so that each may be
> seen clearly.
> In normal view I can control the loop width using either
> cartoon_loop_radius or ribbon_width, depending on whether I display
> cartoon or width.  Ray-tracing looks prettier but I find that even traces

Try ribbon_radius, rather than ribbon_width.  The former is for ray
traced ribbon "tubes" and the latter is for the non-ray traced,
interactive representation.

Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.                           r...@post.queensu.ca 
Senior Research Associate                            phone: 613-533-6821
Dept. of Biochemistry, Queen's University,             fax: 613-633-2497
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6  Canada
    PGP Fingerprint: 9B49 3D3F A489 05DC B35C  8E33 F238 A8F5 F635 C0E2
         (out of date web site:http://biophysics.med.jhmi.edu/rlc)

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