Regarding povray installation with fink:
fink installs povray 3.5 without a problem for me.
However, if you look at the file
you find the following dependencies:
BuildDepends: libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, dlcompat-dev
Depends: x11, libtiff-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs, libpng-shlibs
I am only guessing, but I think the problem you are having is with
See the fink front page announcement:
The problem apparently has arisen in the unstable branch of fink.
Those who installed fink on 10.2 by the bootstrapping method a month or
more ago probably are using the unstable branch. It might be a good
idea to switch back to using the stable and cvs branches only.
BTW, is there any reason for xwindows pymol to require that povray be
installed? If not, we should email the maintainer and have that
requirement removed.
Here is what the info file currently claims is required:
Maintainer: Matt Stephenson <>
Depends: libpng-shlibs, numeric, tcltk, povray, pmw (>= 0.8.5-2),
python (>= 2.2.1-8), glut-shlibs (>= 3.7-3)
BuildDepends: libpng, glut (>= 3.7-3), db3 (>= 3.3.11-8), readline (>=
4.3-5), gdbm, gmp, expat, tcltk-dev, dlcompat-dev
All the best,
William G. Scott
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
Sinsheimer Laboratories
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California 95064
phone: +1-831-459-5367 (office)
+1-831-459-5292 (lab)
fax: +1-831-4593139 (fax)