I am currently implementing PyMol as important part in a bioinformatics course 
on 3D structures. Its a marvellous tool (I still enjoy working with PyMol on my 
PowerBook in the train), however, the manual is somewhat "behind".

I am aware that its an enormous effort to write a good up-to-date manual. As a 
first aid I would like to have more examples in the single-command 
If users from time to time would volunteer to add a few-line example to 
individual commands would already be great help !


Uwe Hobohm

PS: Poor Mac-Users would like support for their one-button mouses (minority 


Prof.Dr. Heinz-Uwe Hobohm

University of Applied Sciences


Wiesenstrasse 14

D-35390 Giessen

Fone/Fax             0641 3092549

email uwe.hob...@tg.fh-giessen.de


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