I am going over a GROMACS trajectory that I have converted to a 2500 frame PyMOL movie and would like to be able to move through the frames dynamicly i.e. commands like --- go_to_frame (frame number) --- Is this possible? if so how, and if not, how does PyMOL keep track of the frame count and current frame number so I can write a program to add this feature to PyMOL.
Hi, the command you want is simply "frame" (http://pymol.sourceforge.net/html/S1000comref.html#16_42):
DESCRIPTION "frame" sets the viewer to the indicated movie frame. USAGE frame frame-number PYMOL API cmd.frame( int frame_number ) NOTES Frame numbers are 1-based SEE ALSO count_states Ciao, Luca -------------------------------------------------------- Luca Jovine, Ph.D. Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology Mount Sinai School of Medicine Annenberg Building, Room 25-18 One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029-6574, USA Voice: +1.212.241-8620 FAX: +1.509.356-2832 E-Mail: lucajov...@mac.com - luca.jov...@mssm.edu W3: http://www.mssm.edu/students/jovinl02 --------------------------------------------------------