Dear Gordon,

I assume that you changed the default "nv" driver in your XF86config(-4) file 
to the Nvidia driver "nvidia". I've replaced on my private Pentium III (733 
MHz) PC a GeForce2 GTS against a GeForce4 Ti4200 and I also observe less 
improvement than expected. Here are my observations:
1. Under Windows98SE with 3DMark2001 I get a ~50 % higher score, which is 
probably okay.
2. Under Linux I get a ~ doubled frame rate for the simple OpenGL benchmark 
program "gears" in full-screen mode and somewhat less than this in the 
Vulpine OpenGL Mark, which is fine (Nvidia driver 31.23).
3. But, puzzlingly with pymol and on-screen rendering of a complex secondary 
structure sketch (without ray-tracing) I only get a moderate increase (~ 10 
%, or so) of the movie frame rate compared to a Geforce2MX440 running on a 
Pentium III (450 MHz) in my office! Here, I would really expect a huge 
difference in frame rate. I also don't understand this. A possible 
explanation would be that pymol, upon automatic detection of the graphics 
card, internally changes the complexity of the calculations resulting in a 
slower but improved image?

Best regards,


On Wednesday 08 January 2003 09:40, gordon wrote:
> Hi
> I recently upgraded from a geforce 2 to a geforce 4 ti4200, and I don't
> really notice a performance improvment (running linux). I judge this
> based on how smoothly large sized proteins can be rotated with spheres
> on.
> Just wondering why?
> Thanks in advance
> Gordon


Dirk Kostrewa
Paul Scherrer Institut
Life Sciences, OSRA/007
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Phone: +41-56-310-4722
Fax: +41-56-310-4556

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