I've noticed another minor problem with internal raytracer: when I set
stick radius to some smaller value (say: set stick_radius=0.05) and
raytrace the model: the raytracer seems to have its own idea about stick
radius, i.e. the changes don't seem to correspond to regular opengl
rendering. In other words, sticks after raytracing are much thicker then
what should correspond to radius=0.02.

I was also wondering what's the state of amber trajectory display. I
tried PyMOL CVS version some weeks ago and it worked but I ran into
problem with trajectory playback when I changed representation to
anything else but lines (for trajectories with more frames, something
like a few hundreds or more).

Looking forward to new pymol version!


On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 13:36, DeLano, Warren wrote:
> Laurence,
>    This is a bug I found a couple of days ago and remedied -- the 3D hash 
> code in the raytracer was faulty.  In the meantime, you may want to 
> render with PovRay.  Would you please send me a quick email (off the
> list) with your version and platform information so that I will know
> the extent of the problem?  (I am unsure whether or not the 0.82
> windows release is affected)
>    By the way, I am well into the wrap-up process for a new release, 
> and am just trying to incorporate various bits of feedback from past
> couple months.  It will be out in a few weeks...

Viktor Hornak
CSB computational facility   
SUNY at Stony Brook          
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5115   

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