I am using PyMol 0.84 for Mac OS 10.1(10.1.5) and was wondering if
it is possible to run .py scripts such as ScriptBox.py.
When I start PyMol by clicking on the 10.1 icon and then try to run .py
scripts (run scriptx.py) I get some error messages including the
"import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured
for Tk
ImportError: No module named _tkinter"
Is there a way to configure Python properly or is this not possible on
the Mac? Thanks for your help.
Bob Del Vecchio
Robert Del Vecchio
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Demerec Building
1 Bungtown Road
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
email: delve...@cshl.edu
tel: (516)367-8314