Dear Stephen Miller:
Also, don't overlook the fact that pymol itself is a movie player. In
powerpoint you can create what is called a hyperlink to pymol, and then
you can just load in your macro (pml script) and your movie starts
playing embedded in powerpoint. This is far better because you can
move the molecule around while the movie plays, zoom in and out, etc.
This gives a sense of immediacy in a presentation that is lost with an
animated gif, or whatever movie player you might use. The hyperlink
feature works better in windows powerpoint than mac powerpoint, BTW.
William G. Scott
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
Sinsheimer Laboratories
University of California at Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, California 95064
phone: +1-831-459-5367 (office)
+1-831-459-5292 (lab)
fax: +1-831-4593139 (fax)