* Luca Jovine <lucajov...@mac.com> [2002-10-02 10:53] wrote:

> On Wednesday, October 2, 2002, at 10:10 AM, Serge Cohen wrote:
> > PS: If any one as some info on the previous questions I asked (get_view 
> > blocks...), really don't fill shy about it. I did not have any answer 
> > (even off list)
> Actually, I would also be very interested in knowing what the matrix 
> output by get_view exactly means...  also because it would be really nice 
> if one could save the *transformed* coordinates of a molecule, so it could 
> be imported into other programs in exactly the same orientation as in 
> PyMOL (even though I find myself using other programs less and less, 
> sometimes one still needs them...)

Actually maybe the answer you are looking for was given back in July
when Warren answered someone else's question with:

* Warren L. DeLano <war...@sunesis.com> [2002-07-07 11:13] wrote:

> cmd.get_view() returns a tuple which can be passed to cmd.set_view(...)
> ie. 
> set_view (\
>     -0.745493710,   -0.657504320,   -0.109211229,\
>      0.235591769,   -0.413225234,    0.879625380,\
>     -0.623487175,    0.630026162,    0.462960035,\
>      2.252975464,    1.815253615,  -55.481048584,\
>     -3.770999908,   -6.882999897,   18.787000656,\
>     43.924808502,   75.804443359,    0.000000000 )
> or
> cmd.set_view((\
>     -0.745493710,   -0.657504320,   -0.109211229,\
>      0.235591769,   -0.413225234,    0.879625380,\
>     -0.623487175,    0.630026162,    0.462960035,\
>      2.252975464,    1.815253615,  -55.481048584,\
>     -3.770999908,   -6.882999897,   18.787000656,\
>     43.924808502,   75.804443359,    0.000000000 ))
> or
> vu=cmd.get_view()
> ...
> cmd.set_view(vu)
> in vu[...]:
> 0-8 is the 3x3 rotation matrix
> 9-11 is the camera location (I think -- been a while...)
> 12-14 is the origin of rotation
> 15-16 are the clipping distances
> and 17 is the orthoscopic flag.

Hope that helps,
Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.               http://biophysics.med.jhmi.edu/rlc
r...@k2.med.jhmi.edu                                    phone: 410-614-6313
Research Specialist/X-ray Facility Manager
HHMI/Dept. of Biophysics & Biophysical Chem., The Johns Hopkins University
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