I'm trying to generate the smoothest possible surface while using PyMol
0.82 under XP.

I've tried increasing surface_quality but there appears to be a value
above which no more polygons are generated. I've also tried playing with
surface_best, surface_poor, and surface_moderate with unpredictable

Is there an inherent limit to the smoothness of a surface in PyMol? Or, is
it possible for me to get more polygons?

Evan Stein
Structural Biology Program
Skirball Institute / NYU School of Medicine
540 First Avenue Lab 3-4
New York, NY 10016

phone: (212) 263-8968
fax: (212) 263-8951
email: st...@saturn.med.nyu.edu
URL: http://saturn.med.nyu.edu/~stein

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