Russell Poyner <> wrote:

The machine is a newish G4 733Mhz 256K ram with a radeon 7500 card. I have installed the Fink version of pymol with the Fink supplied Xfree. It works but is noticably slower than pymol on my 500 Mhz K6/lintel box, also with a
radeon 7500 and Xig xserver.

It would seem that the mac installation is not benefitting from the graphics hardware despite claims of full acceleration in the xserver. If there is a
trick here that I am missing please let me know.

 I suggest you to use the beta of the native MacOS X version:

Although it's a beta, it should be blazingly fast on a G4.
Attention, it's a pre 0.8 version and the last features are not implemented.
Moreover, the menus are not implemented at all.

By the way, for some reasons, the prompt in PyMol's window is not accessible when using MacOS X version 10.2. So if you want to keep the beta functional, either don't upgrade or keep MacOS X.1 as a dual boot option.

Hopefully, Warren will fix this soon.


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