> I have written a small program that lets you select your favorite PyMOL > script from a comfortable box floating beside your PyMOL window.
Kristian, thanks for sharing! > ScriptBox 0.2 can be found at: > http://www.rubor.de/bioinf/scriptBox.html > > Its my first release, so the program might still have bugs. Specifically, this script may be incompatible with the standard external GUI since Tcl/Tk/Tkinter does not multi-thread, and currently ScriptBox fires up its own thread. However, if you turn off the external GUI, then the program works fine. pymol -x ScriptBox.py If you want to have both GUIs running simulaneously, then try using the startup directory in modules/pmg_tk (you'll need to modify ScriptBox.py to have an __init__ method which creates the window, but simply returns instead of forking a thread or calling mainloop) [However, if you are currently using the accelerated test version on a mac, then you can ignore my comments about the external GUI, since it doesn't yet exist on that platform.] > BTW, is there any collection of scripts on the internet to browse through? Clearly there is a consensus that this needs to be done. I can't do it myself, but what I can do is place high visibility links on the PyMOL web page. So here goes... You'll now see a "Scripts" item on the top of http://pymol.sf.net. This will take you to a page of submitted links, of which we have exactly one. Please post your scripts somewhere on the internet and then send in the URLs! By the way, while I personally disfavor GPL, I respect everyone's freedom to choose their own license for their own code. Please understand though that I can't add a GPL component like ScriptBox to PyMOL without compromising on the overall PyMOL vision. PyMOL exists to serve ALL scientists, institutions, and companies -- including closed-source software companies. However, I do encourage use of PyMOL with GPL packages such as OELib and GROMACS, and I have no objection to people distributing PyMOL derivatives as GPL or even closed-source, particularly if they want to prevent their code from being swallowed by the blue vortex ; ). As for PyMOL, well, that contingency has been part of the experiment from day one... Cheers, Warren