On Sun, 2 Jun 2002 kkli...@gate.sinica.edu.tw wrote:

> Now here comes another question.
> I prepared a long movie by running the script I wrote.
> I use a very good desktop to generate the movie and
> the speed of rendering is fast.
> But if I want to demonstrate the same movie with pymol on a
> notebook, there are only 2 things that I can do (as far as I know).
> First, I can copy the pdb files as well as the script I wrote
> to the notebook.
> But when I shall demonstrate the movie, I have to render all of
> the frames again.
> That is slower in the notebook we have in the conference roon.
> Also everything has to be rendered again if I restart pymol.
> To avoid rendering again and again, I can copy the png files
> generated, and use some other program to view the movie.
> By far I did not find a good free software giving control
> on how the movie be played as easy as pymol.

If you have all the frames rendered as png files, you can use load_png to
load the frames back into PyMOL for viewing, but you will need to do the

1. use mset to define a movie of proper length (mset 1 x10)
2. set cache_frames=1
3. write a script or program which uses cmd.frame to got to each frame and 
   individually loads each png file into the frame cache

cmd.mset("1 x10")

However, I just usually create AVI files of rendered movies using
commercial software (Premiere).  Such movies can be loaded directly into
PowerPoint, etc.

> Besides, I can modify the view point, rotation, etc,
> during the demonstration if I usr pymol.

You can't if it is pre-rendered, as is the case with the above example.

> Is there any suggestion on the best way to play the movie?

You've got choose either real-time manipulation with OpenGL-quality
rendering or prerendered movies without manipulation.  We need another
100-1000 fold increase in CPU performace before real-time raytracing will
become possible.


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