
I've been pushing PyMOL beyond the limits of my computer(s)- mainly
dealing with trajectories for massive (>50000 atoms) structures.  A couple
of questions relating to performance:

- Has anyone tried compiling PyMOL on Linux with something other than gcc?
Specifically, I'm interested in using Intel's compiler, which we have a
license for.  I don't mind messing with makefiles, but some software seems
to depend on GCC.

- Any idea what the practical difference between a GeForce 3 and
a Quadro 2 would be?  I have the GeForce right now, using NVidia's
drivers; I'm planning on yanking the Quadro 2 from a machine we bought as
a server.  Would I see any actual performance gain?  Which chip is
actually faster, at least for what I'd be using it for?

Nat Echols
Gerstein Lab
Yale University

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