> 1. Is there any way of getting rid of the shadows when ray-tracing a
> picture (I have tried turning off the "specular reflections" 
> setting but
> that doesn't seem to help)?

set reflect=0
set direct=0.7

> 2. I would also like to export non-ray-traced images. However, when I
> write PNG files from these images, they are speckled (there 
> is a grid of
> small white dots superimposed on the image). I don't have this problem
> when writing out ray-traced figures, so I assume that there is nothing
> strange about the programs that I'm using to read the png files. Also,
> the white dots only lie over the surface. There is also an 
> inhibitor in
> these figures and it looks fine.

Sounds like a bug, either in PyMOL, your OpenGL renderer, or your PNG viewer.  
What version of PyMOL are you using?  Have you tried another PNG viewer?  What 
OS and hardware are you using?   I have seem similar problems on SGIs...
[You may want to email me with your follow-up so that other's aren't spammed 
with the technical details].


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