
I am a new PyMol user. I want to look at an 'in progress' structure from
a collaborator. When I load the pdb into PyMol there are bonds between
atoms that shouldn't be bonded. This is mostly (if not only) in the
bound DNA part of the structure. Is it possible to change the parameters
by which the bonds are automatically calculated (if this is how it
works) or some other way to fix this, other than clicking on each wrong
bond and deleting it (there are many).

I apologize for asking such a simple question.

Thank you,


Holly Miller, Ph.D.              voice: 631 444-8018
Res. Asst. Prof.                 FAX:  631 444-7641
Dept. Pharm. Sci.
SUNY Stony Brook                 mil...@pharm.sunysb.edu
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8651


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