Hi all,
First off, let me congratulate Dr. DeLano for creating such an
amazingly useful program. The combination of GUI and command-line is
great, making it easier to use than MolScript and more functional than
DeepView. Not to mention the *very* polished graphics that it is
capable of producing.

So now that I've dispensed with the praise, here's my question.
For an upcoming talk we'd like to show some footage of our molecule of
interest rocking along the y axis (thus swinging back and
forth along some putative sites on the "top" of the protein).
I'm assuming there's a way to do this, but I'm not sure exactly how to
do so. I took a look at the mrock function in movie.py, and noticed that, while
one passes it 5 arguments from the command line, there are actually 6
variables in the function, the last one being "axis," explaining my
inability to pass the function an argument for the axis of rotation.
However, in my desperation, I've even gone so far as changing this last 
variable to
axis='y' within movie.py itself, but the molecule continued to rock on
the x axis. Any suggestions?

Jacob Corn
Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease

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