> The Redhat72-rpm can only be installed if used with the --force and 
> --nodeps switches (otherwise it complains about not having Python 2.1). 
> During installation, some error-messages come up, stating that user 
> "warren" is not available (should I give him an account on my machine 
> ;-) and root is used instead.

   Hmm. there must be some ownership issues on some of the files --
I'll fix that in a 3rd release.

> After that, pymol works fine though. The only disatvantage is the 
> somewhat too small font in the Tk-log-window.
This is a recurring issue with Tcl/Tk under Linux: different
machines give different sized fonts, and I don't know why.  To
increase the font size, open up pymol/modules/pmg_tk/ and search
for "my_fw_font".  It is currently size 7 for linux -- it probably needs
to be 9 or 10 for your machine.  Perhaps someone know why this happens?  

> So in essence: The Redhat72-rpms work on SuSE 7.3 also.



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