Frank, "FV" == Frank Vondelft wrote:
FV> I deduce you're referring to windows? Yes. FV> I think this is what you get when python gets installed in C:\Program FV> Files\python or some other location that is not on the (hardcoded?) FV> search path of pymol, which means it can't find the tcltk libraries. FV> The solution is to install python on C:\python, and everything is FV> hunky-dory -- I think you don't even have to reinstall pymol, but you FV> can check that, it doesn't take long. I've got python installed in c:\python21. I had to copy tcl and tk libraries manually, so Pymol would find them. After that Pymol started and work w/o any problem expect it could not find sys.argv Checking if you suggestion works... No. It looks like a problem with python, embedded in pymol.exe -- Andrey V Khavryuchenko Offshore Software Development