I've folded Numeric Python 20.0.0 into the Windows binaries for PyMOL 0.68
(released today).  This is the most recent version of Numeric which works
with both 1.5.2 and Python 2.1.   

For those with an insatiable hunger for eye candy, PyMOL 0.68 also 
contains transparent surfaces. 8-)


On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Paul Sherwood wrote:

> All,
> I would like to try and use parts of PyMOL that use Numeric
> on the Windows platform. The "out-of-the-box" install
> procedures for PyMOL, Python (2.1.1) and Numeric lead to
> problems importing the Numeric module as follows.
> ImportError: No module named Numeric
> Is there a way to fix this?
> thanks
> Paul

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