On 6/24/20 9:46 AM, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
Am 6/22/20 um 10:17 AM schrieb Stefan Reiter:
@@ -89,7 +97,8 @@ sub get_pci_addr_map {
       $pci_addr_map = {
       piix3 => { bus => 0, addr => 1, conflict_ok => qw(ehci)  },
       ehci => { bus => 0, addr => 1, conflict_ok => qw(piix3) }, # instead of 
piix3 on arm
-    vga => { bus => 0, addr => 2 },
+    vga => { bus => 0, addr => 2, conflict_ok => qw(legacy-igd) },

sorry, but how do they conflict? the address differs so the check can't hit.
Or is this just for documentation purpose?

What do you mean the address differs? 'legacy-igd' and 'vga' both share bus 0 
addr 2, so without the conflict_ok the 'run_pci_addr_checks.pl' test fails. 
This is only save because legacy-igd requires vga=none anyway, as documented by 
the comment below.

+    'legacy-igd' => { bus => 0, addr => 2, conflict_ok => qw(vga) }, # 
legacy-igd requires vga=none

ignore me, confused with non legacy IGD, sorry.

So the only thing left then is the description formatting. Should I send a v2 for that or do you want to do a followup?

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