On 6/5/20 8:39 PM, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
On 5/6/20 11:57 AM, Aaron Lauterer wrote:

diff --git a/PVE/API2/VZDump.pm b/PVE/API2/VZDump.pm
index 68a3de89..77dac1b1 100644
--- a/PVE/API2/VZDump.pm
+++ b/PVE/API2/VZDump.pm
@@ -69,19 +69,26 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
        return 'OK' if $param->{node} && $param->{node} ne $nodename;
my $cmdline = PVE::VZDump::Common::command_line($param);
-       my ($vmids, $skiplist) = PVE::VZDump->get_included_guests($param);
+       my $vmids_per_node = PVE::VZDump->get_included_guests($param);
+       my $vmids = $vmids_per_node->{$nodename} // [];

maybe it could make belows looping easier if you delete the local ones out?
So, for above:
my $local_vmids = delete $vmids_per_node->{$nodename} // [];

+       my $skiplist = [];
+       for my $current_node (keys %{$vmids_per_node}) {
+           push @{$skiplist}, @{$vmids_per_node->{$current_node}}
+               if $current_node ne $nodename;

with the delete above you could drop the post-if here actually you should be
able to just do:

my $skiplist = [ map { @$_ } values $vmids_per_node->%* ];

Thanks for that idea :)

(FYI: $vmids_per_node->%* is just alternate writing of %$vmids_per_node IIRC,
Wolfgang prefers it)

+       }
            return 'OK' if !scalar(@{$vmids});
- # silent exit if specified VMs run on other nodes
+       # silent exit if specified guests run on other nodes
        return "OK" if !scalar(@{$vmids});
- my @exclude = PVE::Tools::split_list(extract_param($param, 'exclude'));
-       $param->{exclude} = PVE::VZDump::check_vmids(@exclude);
        # exclude-path list need to be 0 separated
        if (defined($param->{'exclude-path'})) {
            my @expaths = split(/\0/, $param->{'exclude-path'} || '');
@@ -106,6 +113,7 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
                die "interrupted by signal\n";
+ $param->{vmids} = $vmids;
            my $vzdump = PVE::VZDump->new($cmdline, $param, $skiplist);
eval {
diff --git a/PVE/VZDump.pm b/PVE/VZDump.pm
index 68c08f47..cd278f4d 100644
--- a/PVE/VZDump.pm
+++ b/PVE/VZDump.pm
@@ -1039,29 +1039,18 @@ sub exec_backup {
        if scalar(@{$self->{skiplist}});
my $tasklist = [];
+    my $vzdump_plugins =  {};
+    foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{plugins}}) {

maybe add:
next if exists $vzdump_plugins->{$type};

as then we'd just overwrite the same type again.

yeah sounds good.

+       my $type = $plugin->type();
+       $vzdump_plugins->{$type} = $plugin;
+    }
- if ($opts->{all}) {
-       foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
-           my $vmlist = $plugin->vmlist();
-           foreach my $vmid (sort @$vmlist) {
-               next if grep { $_ eq  $vmid } @{$opts->{exclude}};
-               next if !$rpcenv->check($authuser, "/vms/$vmid", [ 'VM.Backup' 
], 1);
-               push @$tasklist, { vmid => $vmid,  state => 'todo', plugin => 
$plugin, mode => $opts->{mode} };
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       foreach my $vmid (sort @{$opts->{vmids}}) {
-           my $plugin;
-           foreach my $pg (@{$self->{plugins}}) {
-               my $vmlist = $pg->vmlist();
-               if (grep { $_ eq  $vmid } @$vmlist) {
-                   $plugin = $pg;
-                   last;
-               }
-           }
-           $rpcenv->check($authuser, "/vms/$vmid", [ 'VM.Backup' ]);
-           push @$tasklist, { vmid => $vmid,  state => 'todo', plugin => $plugin, 
mode => $opts->{mode} };
-       }
+    my $vmlist = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
+    foreach my $vmid (sort @{$opts->{vmids}}) {
+       my $guest_type = $vmlist->{ids}->{$vmid}->{type};
+       my $plugin = $vzdump_plugins->{$guest_type};
+       next if !$rpcenv->check($authuser, "/vms/$vmid", [ 'VM.Backup' ], 
+       push @$tasklist, { vmid => $vmid,  state => 'todo', plugin => $plugin, mode 
=> $opts->{mode} };

I now it blows up lines a bit but I prefer having multiple hash elements on
separate ones most of the time.

push @$tasklist, {
     vmid => $vmid,

Easier to read and change.

hehe, I just read our coding guidelines a few days ago and that particular thing was one of my personal take aways ;)

# Use in-memory files for the outer hook logs to pass them to sendmail.
@@ -1169,34 +1158,39 @@ sub get_included_guests {
my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();
      my $vmids = [];
+    my $vmids_per_node = {};
+    my $vmlist = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
- # convert string lists to arrays
      if ($job->{pool}) {
        $vmids = PVE::API2Tools::get_resource_pool_guest_members($job->{pool});
+    } elsif ($job->{vmid}) {
+       $vmids = [ PVE::Tools::split_list($job->{vmid}) ];
      } else {
-       $vmids = [ PVE::Tools::split_list(extract_param($job, 'vmid')) ];
+       # all or exclude
+       my @exclude = PVE::Tools::split_list($job->{exclude});
+       @exclude = @{PVE::VZDump::check_vmids(@exclude)};
+       my $excludehash = { map { $_ => 1 } @exclude };
+       for my $id (keys %{ $vmlist->{ids} }) {

you could sort it here already, avoiding the sort after the loop.

Whole thing could also be written as:

$vmids = [ grep { !$excludehash->{$_} } sort keys $vmlist->{ids}->%* ];

but no hard feeling here.

I agree on the early sorting, but I am not sure about that oneliner. It's not as easy to comprehend what's going on for someone who isn't used to this kind of syntax already.

+           next if $excludehash->{$id};
+           push @$vmids, $id;
+       }
+    $vmids = [ sort {$a <=> $b} @$vmids];
- my $skiplist = [];
-    if (!$job->{all}) {
-       if (!$job->{node} || $job->{node} eq $nodename) {
-           my $vmlist = PVE::Cluster::get_vmlist();
-           my $localvmids = [];
-           foreach my $vmid (@{$vmids}) {
-               my $d = $vmlist->{ids}->{$vmid};
-               if ($d && ($d->{node} ne $nodename)) {
-                   push @{$skiplist}, $vmid;
-               } else {
-                   push @{$localvmids}, $vmid;
-               }
-           }
-           $vmids = $localvmids;
-       }
+    $vmids = PVE::VZDump::check_vmids(@$vmids);
+    foreach my $vmid (@$vmids) {
+       my $vmid_data = $vmlist->{ids}->{$vmid};
+       my $node = $vmid_data->{node};
+       next if (defined $job->{node} && $job->{node} ne $node);>
-       $job->{vmids} = PVE::VZDump::check_vmids(@{$vmids})
+       push @{$vmids_per_node->{$node}}, $vmid;
- return ($vmids, $skiplist);
+    return $vmids_per_node;

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