
I was wondering if there are any plans to integrate the Proxmox FreeNAS iSCSI 
initiator patches developped by the TheGrandWazoo and available in github 
repository here : https://github.com/TheGrandWazoo/freenas-proxmox into the 
main FreeNAS Enterprise repo. 

I am not a huge fan of "custom patches" and will clearly avoid touching source 
scripts from Proxmox… That being said the patches are looking nice and I am not 
sure what would be the reason not to upstream this into Proxmox business repo. 

Can the Proxmox Team discuss this a bit since FreeNAS is widely used, stable 
and a very nice solution to implement as an iSCSI target node. 

Benefiting from the Proxmox team's integration efforts would mean that a 
FreeNAS / TrueNAS could be used a target solution with long term support. 

Relates to this thread : 

Thanks for your answer.

Sincerely yours. 

ToDoo - osnet.eu - DynFi.com 
6 rue Montmartre - 75001 Paris
web: https://www.dynfi.com
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